Fresh to Death

Not all things are created equal.

Not all places have that Nozzle & Spray vibe.

Fresh? It’s got it!


It’s easy to see why I would love a place like Fresh in Temple Bar. It is easy to see why they have been here for as many years as I can remember; continually defying the banality and competition destroying multinational companies that continue to drive into the very heart and soul of what makes Temple Bar the cultural hub that it is used to be. It goes to show on some level that passion, talent good luck and just being damn deadly at what you do will stand you in good stead.


I popped in yesterday for this beautiful shirt in the window. A re-structed school shirt with a lace curtain flowing from the hem. Like I said, it is not for me, but for Karli and it was only 20 blips. I am cool like that don’t you know? Inside Fresh is an energy of a freshly shaken can, primed to spray. Claire and Tanya are pretty damn cool if I do say so myself and the mix of vintage and reconstructed clothing is downright refreshing. There’s stuff for guys too but just not for me on the day (which is fine) maybe next time?


Fresh has something for everyone, it is one of those perfectly androgenous stores that just bloody works. If you haven’t stumbled upon Fresh, ‘No Worries’, they’ve only been around for 23 years, they’ll be around for a while yet. But seriously, get your ass down here.

Nozzle & Spray