No; Regrets

No; Regrets

One of my favourite thing about being a pre-teen was waking up early on a Saturday morning, sitting in front of the TV and watching cartoons for hours. I think in many ways, it was the idea of getting lost in the sights and sounds of someone else's imagination that led me to this favourite of pastimes... At 30, I find myself doing it all over again...

Photographs: Ayesha Ahmad

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Werk! Werk!! Werk!!!

Werk! Werk!! Werk!!!

If there is maybe one thing I'm known for (apart from my glasses, my stupidly high and unwarranted jumps, and maybe my obsession with monkeys) it would have to be that I'm more willing than most to stick my neck out in trying out pieces of clothing that only the ravers I know or the little child in me would wear in public (with glee) 

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Swatch Upon A Time

Swatch Upon A Time

As long as I can remember, I've always dared to dream, I've always dared to believe in something more than I know and I've always loved to indulge in my penchant for storytelling; saying that, the new SWATCH collection has those very themes built into it... 

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