Finding the Magic

It's the experience of a lifetime and it's right here with you. It's right here in front of you.

Karli shared this with me... It's so true it hurts.

Karli shared this with me... It's so true it hurts.

I'm sitting in a blanket bleary eyed this morning... Last night I'd curled myself into a black hole of a ball after possibly the longest day anyone has ever had.

Karli shared the Picture above with me because she knows who I am and what motivates me. Look for magic in the daily routine; that's me down to a tee.

Everyday I walk up and down Millennium Bridge, through Temple Bar and up George's Street and Aungier Street. However everyday is a new adventure, even on the same path. I look out for new things and new experiences in the mundane of the daily routine and it adds so much to what would otherwise be a dire experience.

Over the last couple of days, I spotted things along this Street that made me smile and made my day a little brighter than it should have been... Hope you like these 🎈 


So what's my point? I guess we've got a life to live and it's up to us to use it somehow. Even if all we do is enjoy it 🎈

Β I am Timi