Troubles Fade...

Take a walk down Essex Street in the near future and you just might be surprised by a message on a wall...

Let it go... 

Let it go... 

​'TROUBLES FADE OUT IN THE OPEN'... Sometimes we need a little reminder that we are not the only ones going through tough times. We need a little nudge to speak up, to speak out and relieve a little bit of the burden that we constantly carry around with us.



Will St Leger created this evocative piece... 

Will St Leger created this evocative piece... 

Using water based paints mixed with the ashes of 68 written secrets, Will St Leger created this mural to create conversations on mental health and it is both stunning and evocative in its delivery. I said earlier that to see this in person, a trip in the near future would be advisable because as it is painted with water based paint, it will wash away in the rain; in that way, the mural mirrors the message that it sends out in a beautiful way.

We all have troubles we feel we can't share, but we need to do just that and let them out in the open to be washed away.  As I stood on the sidewalk opposite and photographed the wall, people strolled by in pairs and others alone; all walked briskly on their way to walk on a Monday morning and all have their own lives, their own thoughts and worries. I couldn't help thinking and wondering what was going on in their lives and I wouldn't pry, but I would listen....

I am Timi